Is It Better To Have a Revenue Manager or Revenue Management Software?

Guest blog by our integration partner RoomPriceGenie The robots are coming! They’re taking over! No job is safe! That’s the hype we keep hearing, and revenue-management software companies definitely want you to believe that a computer is better than a human. But is it true? 1)It’s clear that

Meta Search for hotels

Boost Direct Bookings with Meta Search Advertising

Meta search engines make it easy for price conscious guest to find the best price for what they want to book by comparing prices of various providers in one place with the option to instantly book the best offer. Since meta search engines are getting more

Google Hotel Ads for small hotels

Advertise your lodging on Google Hotel Ads

Google Hotel Ads allows hoteliers to showcase their hotel via adverts across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices on Google. Guests actively seaching for accommodation on Google Search or Google Maps will be shown ads through which they can book directly with the hotel. How can small

mobile friendly booking engine

How to Drive Direct Bookings

Key to direct bookings is a powerful and easy to use booking engine on your web site which is clear fast and simple to use. The functionality of the system you choose will have a direct impact on your direct bookings. These are our tips

The benefits of working with OTAs

The benefits of working with OTAs

Competing with OTAs marketing power is expensive and increasingly difficult. Everybody loves direct bookings. However there are benefits to using OTAs as well. Cost Generally direct bookings are considered to be most economic. But the transaction costs are only part of the total cost involved into

Optimize your OTA profiles to increase sales

Signing a distribution agreement with an OTA does not automatically lead to a substantial increase of sales. The number of bookings you generate on an OTA depends largely on how your listing ranks. Define your key segment “I want to reach everybody” is not a strategy

Leverage the Benefits of a Channel Manager

A channel manger which automates processes and reduces the risk of double bookings is a major asset for a successful distribution strategy. One of main benefits of a channel manger is pooled inventory. A hotel that does not use a channel manger needs to split their

How to Generate Last Minute Bookings

Being fully booked all year around is the dream of every hotelier. In reality most places have slow seasons which require increased marketing efforts. The good news is: The last-minute market is emerging. More and more people travel with mobiles, tablets or laptops and use

Reviews and Online Reputation Mangement

Word of Mouth has always been one of the key success factors in the hospitality industry. Online Word of Mouth (eWOM) is an even more powerful marketing tool. We have heard from many new hosts that the first good review changed the game. The more

Increase Bookings with Up-To-Date Calendars

Booking websites have become an important source of bookings. For some hotels or properties even the most important source. Using several sites usually means increased visibility and revenue. The downside to this strategy used to be the management effort involved. Manually keeping multiple calendars up to