Why reviews are key to more bookings

Reviews play a crucial role in the success of any accommodationbusiness. Since they’re often the first thing people see when searching, positive reviews can boost traffic and bookings while giving potential guests confidence in their choice to stay at your property.

Did you know that

48% of travelers consider guest reviews more than recommendations from relatives*

55% of travelers say reviews are more important than low pricing*

The importance of reviews requires properties to closely monitor feedback and comments and actively engage with guests by responding to reviews, addressing concerns, and showcasing positive experiences to cultivate a strong and positive public image. Major reasons why it is important to strive for positive reviews are:

Influence on Booking Decisions

Today’s travelers heavily rely on online reviews and ratings when choosing where to stay.

Competitive Advantage

In the highly competitive hospitality industry, a solid reputation can distinguish a business from its competitors, making it the preferred choice for travelers.

Customer Trust and Loyalty

A responsive and attentive approach to feedback can turn even dissatisfied guests into loyal patrons. These loyal customers often become brand ambassadors, attracting more business to the company.

Feedback Loop for Improvement

In the the ever-evolving hospitality industry, feedback is the foundation of improvement and excellence. Each guest interaction, whether positive or negative, offers crucial insights that help refine the guest experience and guide operational improvements.

Impact on Revenue

Ultimately, a business’s reputation directly affects its financial performance. A positive reputation leads to higher occupancy rates and room for higher prices.

How Beds24 can help you

Easy access and review management in one place

You can conveniently view and and reply to your  reviews from Airbnb, Expedia and Vrbo directly in Beds24. When ever their is a new review you will see an altert so you can stay on top.

Encourage positive reviews

Leaving your guest a positive review increases the likelihood that they’ll do the same for you. Our Automated Reviews feature allows you to automatically post a  review of 5 stars after the guest has checked out.

Automate processes

Beds24 provides a wide range of customizalbe automation features. Automated Messages for example can remind guests to leave a review and gather private feedback.

Keep track of your performance

Our Airbnb Quality Dashboard allows you to keep track of issues for each listing and  conveniently manage reviews from Airbnb, Expedia and Vrbo directly in Beds24. Airbnb


*Source: Expedia Traveler value index 2023